Seller Tip: What Happens at a Showing?

When you put your home on the market, what should you expect for what actually happens at a showing?

In the Berkshires , we often have both the listing agent and buyer’s agent present. However, in most areas, only the buyer’s agent will be there with the buyer. We are slowly but surely moving towards this model. More on this topic in another post :)

A few things that might happen at a showing:

  • Buyers may want to open cabinets and closets.

  • Buyers want to feel free to express what they like and don’t like about the house. ( This is why many areas do not have the listing agent present so that the buyers can talk freely to their buyer’s agent during the showing ) 

  • If you have photos out, they may peek at them out of curiosity. 

  • If there is access to the attic, unless you have given specific instructions to not access it, they may want to take a look at the attic space. 

  • Certainly many buyers may have driven a long distance to see the property and just might need to use your bathroom. Make sure to have soap and a hand towel available. Better to be prepared than for us to pretend this never happens. lol

How long will a showing typically take ? 

Well , I have had showings that last all of 5 minutes to over an hour. Often , the showing is basically over but the buyers need time to chat with their realtor afterwards. If you need them to clear out by a certain time, be sure to convey this to your listing agent.

The realty is that they say most buyers know within the first 5 minutes if the house is “ The One” . Despite this statistic, many potential buyers still need the extra time to go through the whole house and sometimes, even walk through more than one time.

Keep in mind that if the showing goes long, this can be a VERY good sign ! 

Be sure to let your listing agent know that if you are out and about waiting to come home, to let you know as soon as the showing is over and all guests have left the property. 

As for feedback on showings, try if you can to be open to both positive and negative feedback. As our market continues to shift, this will become more and more important. 

We may be trending towards a more “ Normal” market in which property listing preparation, buyer incentives, and feedback becomes a very important component of your property marketing campaign again. Always talk to your listing agent as well as to what they expect to see for showings etc. It is critical to have open communication with your agent so that you are working as a team from start to finish.

Hoping this post was helpful !


Buyer Tip: To Share or Not To Share… That is the question!!!

When visiting an Open House , you are often greeted by the listing agent hosting the Open House. 

This is a wonderful practice and you would hope to connect with the realtor showcasing the house and providing information and answers to any questions that you might have about the property. 

The one thing to keep in mind however, when visiting an Open House is that the listing agent represents THE SELLER. 

So, if in conversation they start to ask you questions that might be of personal nature such as “ What have you been pre-approved for by your bank?” or, “ Is this house in your price range? What is your top limit for pricing?” 

Any of these questions are ones that really should only be shared with your buyer’s agent, lender, and closing attorney. 

Let’s play this scenario out to see how sharing this information might be to your detriment should you love the house and then decide to write an offer. We will treat it like it’s a play write below: 

Listing Agent” Welcome to our Open House !!! My name is Sally Sells A Lot. Please feel free to tour the house and let me know if you have any questions !”

Buyer: “ Thanks so much! It’s a great house !!! So far, it looks perfect for our family !!!” 

Listing Agent : “ Great!!! I hope that you love it so much that you write an offer! “ 

The buyer tours the house and then stops in to say goodbye and thank you to the listing agent on her way out. 

Buyer : “ Thanks again! “ 

Listing Agent: “ Well I hope that you decide to buy it! How does this fit into you price range? How much are you pre-approved for?” 

Buyer: “ Well, this is actually a little below what we are approved for which is great!!! We are approved for up to $275,000 so with this being only $250,000 my husband will be thrilled!” 


Now what do we have here? 

The listing agent knows that even if this buyer writes an offer below the asking price, that they can go well over. 

It now makes it MUCH harder for this buyer to negotiate a great deal on the property.

Ideally, you already have a buyer’s agent working for you and you can always sign in and jot their name right next to yours. Your buyer’s agent can certainly know what your pare-approval amount is as they are working for your best interest.

I want any of you out there to get the best deal you possibly can. Even in a sellers market where you especially need all the help you and can get securing your next home !

The more you know, the better you will do out there.


Buyer Tip: Get Wild!!! What Does Your Dream Home Look Like?

I LOVE this exercise!!! 

Putting money aside, what would your ideal dream house look like? 

Literally, I want you to write down all of the features that your future home would have. 

What are your “ Top 3 non-negotiables” Let’s start with that. Here were mine 8 years ago:

  • Laundry / space for a washer and dryer 

  • Yard for the kids and the puppies 

  • Dishwasher !!! 

Once I wrote those things down, the rest was where I was really able to start dreaming. 

Here are some questions that might help get you started:

  1. What style would the home be? Colonial, ranch, cape, or maybe modern? 

  2. What would the overall “ Feel” be? Would it be eclectic? Modern? Warm and filled with color? 

  3. Would it be in a super private setting or do you want to be able to walk next door for a cup of sugar? 

  4. Is natural light important to you?

  5. What kind of “ Flow” do you want ? An open floor plan vs separate rooms? 

It is also a fun thing to do with couples to see how their descriptions turn out and if any of their top priorities are in line. Be sure though to not share your notes until you are completely DONE!!! No worries if you find your notes are totally different ! It’s a great opportunity to talk to each other about which items you just don’t want to go without. 

Outside of making these various bullet lists, also write free form and just describe everything and anything about your home. Perhaps walk someone through the house and describe everything that you see and feel. 

Once you have completed this exercise, keep it somewhere safe!!!! If you have started a home journal, put it right into that booklet or perhaps start a binder for notes. 

If you have this all written down and are working with a buyer’s agent, share your notes with them! It will be hugely helpful to them to get a real feel for what your dream property would look and feel like. 

If for some reason your first home doesn’t check all the boxes, don’t toss your dream home notes ! Maybe your next house will be one step closer ! 

Happy house hunting ! 

“Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life.”

– Les Brown


Buyer Tip: Choosing Your Realtor

One of your first towards buying your future home is selecting the BEST realtor to work with you as a Buyer’s Agent.

Choosing the realtor that is going to help you find, negotiate, and close on your home is a SUPER important step in your home buying process. 

In the home buying process, you will spend lots of time with this person so it is critical that you are a good “ Fit” A good fit meaning the following:

  • You enjoy spending time with them 

  • You TRUST them 

  • They are professional 

  • You feel that they are actively working in your best interest 

  • They are respected in the realtor community

There is absolutely nothing wrong with interviewing several agents to see who you feel the most comfortable with . 

If you were to ask my opinion ( which of course is what this post is ! lol) the best way to start and find a great agent is to ask your friends, coworkers, and family members ! 

I work almost exclusively by referral. This means that almost 99% of my business is from past clients, friends, and family members sharing my name when folks ask for the name of a good agent. 

With that said, ask your circle of people who they would recommend. If you are moving out of the area and you already have a wonderful agent where you live, ask them if they have connections with great agents out of state. Many of us have access and relationships with agents all over the US and sometimes even internationally!

You are about to make one of the largest purchases in your life ! ( not to make it sound terrifying..) lol Don’t you think that you deserve someone who you know will be on your side from start to finish?

Once you have chosen your agent, if they ask for you to sign a buyer’s agreement contract ( not an agency disclosure which is NOT a contract), ask if they can write it up for 2-4 weeks. That way, if you really don’t know them already it gives both of you a chance to see how its going after those initial few weeks.  You should NEVER feel forced to continue working with someone that is not the right fit for you.

Hoping this post brought you or a friend some useful info! 


Seller Tip: Preparation Plan for Selling Your Home

So you want to sell your house….   

1) Where in the world should you start? 

2) How much time do you need to get the house ready to show? 

3) Is this the right time in the market to list your home? 

All of the questions above do not have a right or a wrong answer. 

Your best bet is to link up with a great realtor, sit down with them, and talk about all of the above. 

I have always told my clients that as far as I’m concerned, there is never a “ Too early” time to reach out to a realtor when you’re thinking of selling your home. 

I have worked with families over a period of months to even several years to help them prepare ( both mentally and practically) their home for a future sale. 

So, now that I have that out of the way…. Call your rock star real estate agent and make a date for them to come and visit your home. 

You do NOT have to have the house “ Show ready” 

Often , we are just looking for the “ Nuts and Bolts” of the house . I.E. How old is the roof, what improvements have you made since your ownership, what is the “ Flow” of the floorplan like, do you need to make a plan to clear items out, are there projects in progress that need to be completed? 

I typically give my clients a “ To Do” list after my first visit. 

There are certainly some circumstances in which the owner is not available nor are their family members to help with the process.  That would be an “ As Is” sale where you don’t have the advantage of time and resources. 

Don’t be shy either to share with your agent if you really aren’t able to put anything else into the house. Sometimes there are very low cost and “ elbow grease” tasks that can be done to prepare the house for your sale. 

The main idea that I want to convey via this post is that it’s not a “ One and done” process. 

You may want to take several months to get the house show ready to even a few years if you don’t have a rushed sale. 

Call the experts and lean on us for guidance on steps A to Z for what to do first. 

Lastly, if you’re not sure which realtor to call, ask your friends, coworkers, and family members for a personal referral for a top notch agent that they would recommend. That is by far the BEST way to find a great realtor !!! 

Have a wonderful day and here’s hoping this post brought you some helpful information either for you or a friend! 


“All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination. “

—Earl Nightingale

Homeowner Tip: Logging Your Home Improvements and Maintenance

I cannot tell you how many conversions with sellers I have had that go about like this…

Me: “ So, it looks like you might have put a new roof on. Any idea as to what year you did that?” 

Homeowner: “ Hmmmmmm , let me think…… I think it was quite some time ago, but not that long ago. “ 

Let me just be clear, I have said the exact same things out loud to myself !!! Just the other day I actually called to have our septic tank pumped as I try to be sure to have it done every 3 years ( side note, the timing depends on the size of your septic tank) 

I had the appointment all set and scheduled. They were ready to come within a few days! Hurray! I could cross it off my “ To Do “ list ! 

However, upon chatting with my hubby later that day and bragging about how “ ahead of the game “ I was he quickly reminded me of the following :

“ Hey hun, remember last year when we had the drainage work done? We had them come and totally pump the tank just 6 months ago” 

Case in point, even realtors can lose track of their own home improvements ! 

Since that day, I have continued to work on creating a home log journal and spreadsheet to keep track of ANY and ALL home repairs, maintenance, and improvements ! 

This super long and silly story is to just strongly recommend logging your home improvements, repairs, and maintenance! 

Whether you take a scrap piece of paper, create a “ notes” document in your phone or computer, or my favorite… create a spreadsheet with all dates, details, and costs of your projects!!! 

It’s never too late so don’t fret! 

Even if you’ve already been in your home for ten years and never tracked a thing ! Sit down tonight and see what you can jot down for what you have done so far. Even if it means calling the contractors to ask them when they did the work.

From there, create some kind of system for moving forward. 

Please let me know if you start your home log journal and how it went. 

Have a wonderful day ! 


“A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.”

 ~William Arthur Ward, Thoughts of a Christian Optimist, 1968

Buyer Tip: Shopping for Home Insurance

If you are financing a home , you will typically be required to secure home insurance before the closing for your future property. In a cash purchase , it will not be required but I would certainly recommend it !

A few weeks into your transaction, you should have a call from your realtor reminding you about this and checking in to see how you’re coming along in getting initial quotes from insurance agencies.

The bank will usually ask for what is called a “ Binder “ showing that you have secured the policy and that it is set to be activated for the day of the closing.

You may wonder how to get started on this process.

One great resource will be your buyer’s agent . Ask them for any personal recommendations they may have. You can also ask family and friends to see who they have used and have had great experiences with. A key question to ask is “ If you have had questions during your policy coverage, have they been responsive and are they easy to get a hold of?” If you choose a company that will put you on hold for 45 minutes only to be transferred to another department, that might be one to steer clear of.

Once you get several quotes, be sure to really look at the proposed policy. What is covered? What isn’t?

What will your deductible be should you have a claim ?

What are they estimating as the “ replacement value” of the home. If you are buying a home in an area where the highest selling price is $250,000, does it make sense to have a replacement value at $600,000? Just a few things to keep an eye out for and to keep in mind.

Don’t be shy about asking the agent to go over the details of the policy and answer any questions that you may have.

As always, I truly believe whether it is buying a home, looking for a contractor, or in this case securing insurance, the more information you have as the consumer the better.

If I have any insurance agents reading this post, please feel free to add comments or other suggestions :)

Take care everyone and cover that house !


Buyer Tip: Why hire a buyer’s agent?

As much as you might think I am giving this advice from a biased standpoint, I actually feel VERY strongly about it.

Did you know that there are some states now that require buyers to have representation via a buyer’s agent? It certainly makes sense to me!

If I were to make a purchase outside of my direct area, I can guarantee you that I would hire a buyer’s agent. Why on earth would a REALTOR hire a buyer’s agent???? Well here are just a few reasons below:

  • They will be working in your best interest

  • You will NOT pay more for the property despite what misconceptions might be out there . A great buyer’s agent’s job is to get you the house for the lowest price possible. Depending on the market conditions, you may or may not be able to get much of a discount on the listing price.

  • They will be well versed in the area that you are looking to buy in. They may be able to tell you about places to go, things to do, and people to connect with.

  • They should be able to run a CMA ( Comparative Market Analysis ) report for you so that you can see what properties have sold for in that area.

  • Ideally you will find a buyer’s agent that is a rock star negotiator ! This is a HUGE part of the buying process. You want them in your corner when it comes time to present the offer and negotiate on your behalf.

  • As a buyer’s agent, they are allowed to give you recommended lists of contractors, attorneys, and home inspectors. Especially if you are new to the area this part of the home buying process is so important.

As of now, in the state of Massachusetts, we are still allowed to practice what is called “ Dual Agency” There are a variety of circumstances in which this scenario can occur. Without getting into the weeds of explaining this, I have put a link below so that you can read more about it. As a personal policy, I avoid this scenario if possible.

I am always more than happy to answer any questions that you may have about why it is so important to have a buyer’s agent and how to find a great realtor. Always feel free to share any other thoughts that you might have about this post.

Have a great day !


“If We Always Helped One Another, No One Would Need Luck”


Home Owner Tip: Creating a Home Journal

This is one that I must have heard about years ago from someone very wise :)

Whether you are a new homeowner or you have lived in your home for many years, it’s never too late to start a home journal.

What is it? Basically it is a binder or book that you maintain records of everything you have done to and with your home.

It might have entries such as the following:

  • Painted exterior Cost $4,000 Year Completed 2017

  • New driveway Cost $3000 Year Completed 2010

  • Pumped the septic ( that’s a fun one lol) Cost $300 Year Completed 2017

  • New Appliances: New fridge ? Year Purchased 2010

    Warrantee? ( Note how many years the warrantee covers)

You get the idea right?

So time has a funny way of getting away from us even when it’s just a few years. When we document every improvement that we make on our homes, it not only maintains a great record that you can refer to should you ever decide to sell but it is also a great reference for knowing when things need to be done.

I recently sold a home in which the homeowner kept such amazing notes that she was able to document not only the first bathroom renovation but the second one!!!!

Even something simple such as having your furnace serviced, is a great thing to note with a date and what was done. Also, always ask your contractor to leave a ticket for the service rendered. This is just a good practice and you can keep them all together.

You will save yourself a huge headache by being ahead of the game on this and starting early.

HOWEVER…. don’t panic if you have already been in your home for 10 years and haven’t started this journal ! Today is a new day and always a chance for a fresh start! You can always take out a sheet of paper and just start writing anything and everything that you can remember doing to the house and property.

Let me know how you all do!!!


Home Owner Tip : Monthly Plans for Home Improvement

I love this idea !!!! I have to give credit to the concept of this to Hal Elrod the author of the Miracle Morning. ( One of my top 3 favorite and life changing books)

In one of his podcasts, he mentioned the concept of doing 30 day challenges. The idea of choosing one goal to focus on that month. That way, even if you have multiple goals, you get laser focused on one in particular for that month .

See link below for the episode:

With that idea in mind, I thought why can’t we apply this to real estate???

So, if you took your planner ( which I know you have right???) Or, you can print out the year with 12 open boxes for each month. Google calendar is a great resource for printing out days, weeks, or months .

Before filling out your calendar, find a comfortable and quiet place to sit for a while. Take a blank piece of paper and just start writing out a list of any and all improvements that you want to make on your home and property. Even if some are long term plans, add them to the list. With a long term big project , there will likely be small steps to get to the final product. For example, if you want to paint your home, you can start with small steps such as choosing a paint color, finding a contractor that has a great reputation, and collecting quotes.

Now that you have your list, you can organize them by season !

Let’s say that you want to clear the clutter in your basement. I know this is super rare for homeowners to have piles of stuff in their basement, but I am just putting this out there. lol

This would be a wonderful winter project ! You can even wander down and just dedicate 10 minutes to it and you will be surprised at how much you might get done ! Ten minutes here and there can really add up !

Once you have enough projects to fill in 12 months, go back to your sheet for the year and fill it in!

Now, the million dollar question is where to put the sheet? Under the bed? In your junk drawer? In the fridge? NONE of those are good options ! Out of sight, out of mind .

Perhaps on your fridge with a magnet? If you don’t dare to clutter your fridge, how about on a desk where you do office work? Or in your paper planner on the most current page?

As always, I would love to hear if any of you give this a try! You can email, text, or email me with your ideas !


“Jack said nothing. It was time to start putting his plan into action. Then he remembered: He didn't have one.”
Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear

Seller Tip: Preparing for Listing Your Property

I will do my best to make this not a super long, novel style post.

There are so many things that you can do to prepare your home for the market but we are going to focus on the top most critical items.

Ready…set…here we go!

  • Walk through your home and see if you can pretend to be a potential buyer. Are there too many personal items everywhere? Can someone else picture your home as theirs?

  • After walking through the house, how does it “ Flow”? Can you move furniture around so that you can move more freely through the house?

  • Make as many trips to the Goodwill/ Salvation Army as possible. Clear as much clutter as possible. You are also helping someone in the process by giving them much needed items.

  • Start to make a list of any and all improvements you have made to your property since ownership.

  • Go back over your heating and electric bills and note what your last 12 months of running costs were.

  • Do you have any contractors that have helped you over the years with your house? Or perhaps a neighbor that has been mowing your lawn that might want to keep the job? Create a list of anyone who might be able to continue to help with the house. It’s a win win as it helps the future owners and keeps the work going for whoever might be on that list.

  • What needs touch up paint? Always try to stay with neutral/ earth tones. Just because I love yellow doesn’t mean everyone does. Not everyone can visualize so try and make it easy for potential buyers to love the feel of each room.

  • Call your listing agent to come by and go over what they might have to add to your “ To Do” list. If you have not selected an agent yet, ask your friends and family for a personal referral. This is the best way to get a top notch agent!

  • Lastly, make a list of all of the above. Add notes for how long each will take and a timeline of when each will be completed.

Another great preparation task is to decide on your timeline. When would you like your home sold by? Given the intense market , would you be prepared to move in less than 30 days if you had a cash offer in hand? Think about if there might be a temporary place for you to stay if it’s just an offer you can’t refuse.

With that said, in a seller’s market often the seller can really make the requests for the timelines. If you need to find suitable housing prior to closing, be sure to mention this to your agent. They can write that into the contract and go over the pros and cons of having that as a condition.

As always, you can reach out to me anytime with questions or comments.

Happy home prepping !


“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

– Abraham Lincoln

Buying A Home: Step One

Hi there !!! I am thrilled to say that I will be creating an entire series of blog posts and videos to the steps and tricks to buying a home. These will not only be helpful to first time home buyers, but also to my clients who may not have made a home purchase in over 20 years. You can imagine that times and systems have changed drastically. I still remember when we purchased our first home 20 years ago and listings had not yet gone on the “ world wide web” lol

We sat with our realtor and went through the most current book of home listings. We chose 5 to print out and look at and then it was off to the races !!!

So, apologies as I detoured a bit.

So….. drum roll please…..

Step one for buying a home is to get your pre-approval !

This is even more critical in this market when there is so much competition among buyers and still a very low inventory of homes for sale.

If you submit an offer without a pre-approval and another one comes in paired with their pre-approval , the other buyers already have a leg up on you ! You want to have as many things in your favor as possible!

If you’re not sure what lender to call on for this, your realtor should be a great source of referrals for who they would have on the top of their list.

Ideally, try and stay local. We find that by doing this, it avoids so many hiccups and last minute issues with the loan process.

Once you choose a lender , they will likely tell you what documents you will need to bring them so that they can start the pre-approval process.

Now you have the golden key to move to step two !!!!!! Choosing a buyer’s agent ! Look for my next post on this.

Have a wonderful week everyone !

If you have any questions, thoughts, or just want to say hello you can always reach out to me. You can email, text, or call me anytime !


“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

― Benjamin Franklin.

Love Letters: What the heck are these?

Love letters have become a “ hot topic” lately in real estate.

If you’re not sure what they are , I will explain more here.

Love letters started to surface when the market became super competitive as it shifted to what we call a “ Seller’s Market” A seller’s market tends to occur when inventory is low and there are multiple buyers looking for homes. Combine this with historically low mortgage rates and you now have a completely nutty situation.

When it came to a home hitting the market over the last few years, it was very typical to have multiple offers the first day. Some regions could see as many as 60 offers on one home in the first 24 hours !

Love letters were a strategy used to give one buyer “ leverage” by explaining why they were the perfect buyer for the home and why the seller should “ choose them” over other offers.

Now, let’s think about this. A letter is submitted to a homeowner with a very detailed description of the buyer and why they should be chosen over all other offers.

Can you see where this might be going down a risky path? It was initiated certainly without any ill intent and in the best interest of buyer clients with agents doing anything that they could to get their clients the home.

If we are trying to keep the real estate world a fair playing field for all, these love letters could potentially cause major problems. Some buyers could feel that they did not have a fair chance if love letters swayed the seller to choose someone else.

Many offices are now instituting policies that advise their sellers to not accept love letters and to explain the potential ramifications of them.

As real estate professionals , we have to conduct our business to the highest standard. When we see problems with the market or concerns about fair housing, we need to stay current with the times. It is our job to educate our clients how to navigate the real estate world with integrity and honesty.

States such as Oregon are actually now making it law that these love letters not be submitted under any circumstances. To read more about this see the following link,out%2C%20especially%20if%20the%20seller%20received%20multiple%20offers.

This was one of my more serious posts but very relevant to the current times. If you would like more information on this topic feel free to reach out to me.


“Play fair, be prepared for others to play dirty, and don’t let them drag you into the mud.” – Richard Branson

The Importance of the Appraisal

Especially lately, the impact of an appraisal report is bigger than ever on the sale of a home. 

In what is the craziest “ Seller’s market” that I have ever seen in my career, prices have escalated sometimes as much as 20% over where prices were a year ago. 

With this said, it is not uncommon to have a house go on the market, receive multiple offers the first day, and go to contract for potentially 30% or more over asking price. 

With cash offers, the sellers don’t have much to worry about in this scenario. 

However, when a property is being financed, the bank will require an appraisal as a part of the mortgage commitment process. This is done to protect he consumer and the bank of course to make sure that buyers aren’t overpaying for a property. 

So, what happens if the appraisal comes in much lower than the contract price? Does it “ Kill the deal”? 

Although it is certainly a huge “ hiccup” it does not necessarily mean that the deal has to die. Should both parties want to keep the deal moving forward there are a few options:

  • Sellers agree to reduce the purchase price to match the appraisal price 

  • Buyers agree to make up the difference by paying in cash for whatever the price discrepancy is. This may or not be an option depending on the buyer’s loan program. 

  • Because the buyer is protected by their mortgage contingency ( here in the Berkshires we have this contingency in place) they may opt to terminate and get their deposits back. This would put the sellers back to square one. 

So, you can see from all of the above how important the appraisal process is.  This is also one of the reasons that I make sure to discuss this with my sellers prior to listing their home. 

It is so incredibly exciting for a seller to get those multiple, over asking offers. But they need to know that there is also the risk of not reaching the offer price when the appraisal is done so until that part of the process is completed, stamped, and approved, they haven’t quite crossed the finish line. 

One last note to be aware of is that cash buyers can also ask to have an appraisal done. This doesn’t mean that they can get out of the contract if the appraisal does not meet the offer price unless they added a financing contingency. 

Big picture…. READ YOUR CONTRACTS thoroughly ! If you have a great realtor working with you, I am sure that they will go through every paragraph of that offer with you before you sign it. We also have wonderful attorneys who are part of the transaction from day 1. 

Hoping this post provided some useful information. 


Seller Tip: Pros and Cons of Open Houses

To have or not to have an Open House???

This is a very important question and before you jump in and say “ YES YES YES”!!!!, you should know the pros and cons of that decision.

Open Houses can be extremely effective in certain cases. However, the actual percentage of sales that are procured from Open Houses are MUCH lower than you might think.

Most buyers have a buyer’s agent and will more likely schedule and prefer a private showing. However, first time home buyers that are just getting their feet wet may not be at that stage yet.

This is why I do have a price bracket rule of thumb for Open Houses. Typically, I will do an Open House for properties below $250,000. Above that price point, I have found that buyers prefer private showings and also have a realtor representing them who will schedule their showings etc.

Open Houses can be effective to accomplish the following:

  • Allow your listing agent to get new leads

  • Invite nosy neighbors to see your house who have always been dying to take a peek

  • Possibly have a first time home buyer who hasn’t chosen a buyers agent to see your home. They may or may not be pre-qualified yet

  • Have a neighbor compare their home to yours that will be selling in the near future .

  • Visitors that make a hobby of visiting Open Houses. I cannot tell you how many people I have met that say this to me. Totally fine and they aren’t doing anything wrong by doing this. It is just something to know as a homeowner that this may be one of your Open House guests.

  • Both the “ Nosy Neighbors” and the “ Open House Hobby Folks” may see your home and then immediately think of someone who might love it. In the end of the day, if there is a chance of having additional eyes and ears on your home to get the word out, that is a benefit.

Now, I don’t list all of the items above to be funny. They are all true and show why it is truly a “ Mixed Bag” of pros and cons. If you have the right agent marketing and promoting your home, you may not need to even have an Open House.

Other Options:

  • Virtual Open Houses

    • One of the good things that has come out of this COVID time span, it has been that our realtor community has had to sharpen our skills for online education and the ability to create virtual live and recorded tours of our properties. If the idea of having strangers coming through your home makes you uneasy, ask your realtor about hosting a virtual Open House on Facebook and online.

  • Private showings

    • 9 times out of 10, this is your best option. This way you know that the buyer is a REAL BUYER! If their realtor is an experienced agent, they also won’t take that buyer on appointments without first being pre-approved. Do you really want someone looking at your home that may not be able to actually buy it?

  • Brokers Open House

    • This is a great option if your property is at a higher price point . Your agent will have a Brokers Open House and ideally invite the realtors that they feel will have the highest likelihood of bringing a buyer. I typically do Brokers Opens by personal invitation. We have agents that are high volume sellers specific to the various towns in Berkshire County. These are the realtors that you would want touring your home.

As always, if you want to ask any questions or have thoughts about this post, just reach out to me anytime.


”If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. “

~Milton Berle

Home Owner Tip: Making a Yard/Garden Map

This was an idea that I got from showing a property quite some years ago.

The seller had gone to the trouble of drawing a map of her yard and noted every single perennial that grew in each spot and identified what each plant was. How awesome was that!!!!! Mind you, it was just a sketch on drawing paper but it doesn’t need to be fancy! I was able to get a copy for my buyers so that they could hold onto it for future reference. It’s so nice to know what to expect in your new yard especially when you purchase your home in the winter months ( which can be a 6 month span here in the Berkshires lol)

This is also the perfect time of year to do this! As we see that green stuff start to pop it’s head here and there, you can just start to jot down what and where everything is.

I am going to try and get my garden map started this spring! I have zero intention of selling my home but I think it’s a great resource to have even for my own planning. I already started weeding a few weeks ago and accidentally dug up the roots of what appeared to be a perennial. Ooops.

There are also great software programs that not only allow you to draw your yard but also has a huge list of plants and flowers that you can click and drag to various parts of the drawing. Most are free and might have a small for a software upgrade or added features.

It doesn’t matter how you put it together, whether it be fancy or just a quick sketch. You will also thank yourself the next year when you pat yourself on the back for having a road map of what’s coming up in your garden! That way, you won’t find yourself digging up dirt for a new flower to then discover that you just dug up a bulb and root system of a lovely lily that WAS going to pop up in a few weeks!

Also remember that this will be an ongoing sketch. Plan on starting it in the end of April and working on it through September. If you have kids, get them involved! Have them keep an eye out for anything new that might be “ popping up” and let them add it to the drawing.

Would love to hear how you all do with this project. This is a great year to work on it as many of us are still spending more time than ever in our yards and homes.

Where flowers bloom so does hope.

Lady Bird Johnson

Seller Tip: The Risk of Overpricing Your Home

There have been times during my career in real estate where we were in markets where we put homes on the market for a higher price to “ Test the market” There are times that this strategy is ok and other times when it certainly isn’t worth the risk. We see patterns in real estate in which it is either a buyers market or others when it is clearly a sellers market. Consult your real estate professional to ask them what market your area is currently in .

This post will address the pros and cons of using this strategy regardless of the market conditions.

There is also a huge difference between listing your property for a slightly higher asking price vs. putting your home on the market for a ridiculous price that has no substantial data or closed sales to support the price.

Any of you who know me well know that I will walk away from taking a listing that is absurdly overpriced. To me, it is not fair to the seller to put the home on for an unrealistic price and I also am very careful to keep my reputation in place for pricing and selling homes in Berkshire County for fair market values. For us to take a listing just to get our sign in the yard knowing that the house will not get a single call because of the price is certainly not the right thing to do.

With all of that said, let’s get into the nitty gritty of over pricing your home.

Here is a list of the pros of over pricing your home:

  • There is a tiny chance that you might just find someone who will buy it.

You may have guessed that there are many more cons to overpricing your home. They are as follows:

  • Losing critical time on the market as it sits and accumulates DOM ( Days on the market)

  • Most buyers have buyer’s agents and those agents know the market. They will be able to instantly see that the home is overpriced based on prior sales.

  • There may be other comparable homes on the market that will sell before yours as they may have similar features but are priced fairly.

  • As the days accumulate on the market as your home sits unsold, when folks do look at the listing online , it is human nature to wonder “ What’s wrong with this home? Why has it been on the market for so long? “

  • Our busiest selling time is April-Sept. If you miss the boat on these months, the snow will soon be falling. Get your shovel ready to have your steps cleared for showings and also be prepared to have your driveway plowed and ready every time we have a storm.

  • Buyer’s agents have access to the “ history” on any current listings. I have seen pricing history such as the following: ( $750,000, $700,000, $650,000……$500,000) What does that say about how accurately the property was priced in the first place??? Yipes

  • Let’s say we refer back to the one example that I gave in the pros list of : “ Finding someone who will pay your price” If that buyer is financing the property, the bank will eventually send an appraiser over to make sure that the property is priced fairly. The bank certainly will not approve a loan for a home that is not at fair market value. If the appraisal value comes back lower than the offer price, guess what? They may not approve the loan. Now the seller has to face the possibility of having to drop the price to match what the appraiser valued the home for. This may be the only way for the sale to get to the finish line. Not a fun scenario for sure.

As realtors, one of the first things that we are taught and also reminded of any time that we take our continuing ed classes is that : “ Time if of the Essence” When it comes to real estate , this is absolutely true. Why would you want to take the chance of missing out on the perfect buyer for your home? If they skip over seeing your home in lieu of all the others that seem to offer more at a fair price, you can never get that time back.

Can you tell by chance how strongly I feel about this topic? lol

This is why I always offer a free property valuation. Even if you are just wondering what the current value is of your home or need advice on what improvements are worthwhile, I am always happy to offer that service.

Take care everyone and stay safe.


“Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.”

Wayne Dyer

Buyer Tip: Inspection Issues and How To Navigate Them

This post is about what to do when issues come up during a home inspection.

 Let's just say you're doing a home inspection and you find out that the house needs a new roof. We're going to start this example by using a big-ticket item. There are also smaller things that may come up in home inspections that I will address at a later time.

 So you find out that the house needs a new roof and you think “Oh shoot, what are we going to do ? I really don't want to lose this house! ”

 All is not lost. There are several ways to address major issues that come up in home inspections. All of which your buyers agent will give you both advice and guidance on. Once you have reached a decision on your strategy, they will draft up an addendum with the specific request.

 See below for the various options that you can exercise as a buyer when big issues come up.

  • Ask the seller to repair the item prior to closing. 

  • Ask the seller to reduce the purchase price according to the cost of the repair

  • Have your attorney set up an escrow account at closing for that specific repair. Please note that this can be one of the more complex options. I will go into more detail on this in another post.

  •  There is also always the other  option which is to terminate the contract using your option as the inspection contingency paragraph. If neither party can reach an agreement on the repair you can opt to terminate the contract and in Berkshire County get your deposits back. ( this varies state to state so check with your local realtor on this)

I want to add to all of these options that these are requests that you can make of the seller via your buyer's agent. It does not by any means mean that the seller will agree to your request. Everything is still in the negotiating time line. So you can ask the seller anything you want but it does not mean that they will necessarily be open to your request. It will all hinge on the motivation level of the seller at that time.

 You may have heard the phrase “Ask for the moon and get the stars.”  

We are currently in a sellers market in a particular price range  . This means that often when a house goes under contract the seller has several backup offers and buyers. Note that this will affect their motivation to be open to inspection requests. This is unfortunately not ideal for the buyer. Just something that is good to know given the current market climate.

 Hoping that you all found this post helpful. As always you can reach out to me with further questions concerns or ideas for future posts!


“Change course, but don’t give up.”

― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Seller Tip: Sign or NO Sign?

A lot of people may not realize that it is actually a choice that I seller has whether they choose to have a “ For Sale “ sign on their property or not.

Ideally, you would opt to have one to add one more source of exposure for the sale of your home.

However in this post I want to go over both the pros and cons to having a sign on your property.

There are some properties that may not want a sign on their property. They might be the following:

  • Local business : Fear of worrying customers that their heart isn’t in the business anymore

  • Long and private driveway: Not wanting random strangers driving way up the driveway unannounced

The advantages of having a sign however, are huge. Although most buyers are using the internet to look for homes, you may just find your buyer via someone driving by and seeing the sign. There might be a neighbor who wasn’t necessarily looking to buy but would love to have the grand-kids around the corner!

They now see your sign and immediately run home to pick up the phone to call their daughter in law.

Another great advantage of having a sign is to help folks find the property :) Yes , we all love our GPS but there are times when it’s not quite on target. I can tell you that it’s not fun knocking on the wrong door for a showing ( Of course this has happened to me!) There are MANY homes that do not have a number address on the property .

This was a short one today but if you have more questions or thoughts please send me a message and we can chat about it.

Take Care!


Real Estate Tip: Navigating Real Estate During the Corona Virus

We came across the article below that I found had such great information I wanted to share it with the rest of you. Every day seems to bring new challenges, some hope, and then more challenges regarding the Corona Virus . All that we can do as realtors right now is to keep our clients as safe as possible while still doing our very best to assist them in the world of real estate. Homes still need to be bought and sold no matter what the current situation. More than ever I think that we all see how critical it is to have a safe, comfortable place to call our own.

See the article below for the latest update in real estate . Please keep in mind that this article is written by a realtor in the Florida area so they may be in a different stage of the Corona crisis than we are. All still relevant information.

6 realities your buyers and sellers should prepare for

It's important to remember that everyone has to live somewhere. Our homes have never been more important to us than right now


BY CARA AMEER, Via Inman Article

Today 2:00 A.M. ( April 7th, 2020)


Inspired daily by the takeaways learned in the field, top producer Cara Ameer has 18 years under her belt with licenses in both Florida and California. A self-proclaimed fitness fanatic, she loves working out, finds cleaning and organizing relaxing and can’t say no to strawberries.


In a matter of days, life as we know it has been turned upside down. The only normal is a new one. The experience of living through 9/11 and the economic crash of 2008 has taught us just how quickly we abandon established routines in exchange for new ones.


At one point in time, we could have never imagined the day where we had to show photo ID and boarding passes before going to our boarding gate — let alone stripping down to go through metal detectors. The acronym TSA was alphabet soup.


During the financial crisis, watching long-time financial institutions crumble in the blink of an eye was inconceivable. We witnessed the house of cards coming down.


When I was getting my Florida broker’s license in 2006, my instructor was very clear about what was coming. Foreclosures — and lots of them. He was also a real estate auctioneer and broke into full-on auction voice and lingo as he described the blocks of properties that would likely hit the market as a “real estate-owned property.”


Sitting in class, we all glanced at one another with a puzzled look on our faces. At the time, most of us had only been licensed for a few years. The concept of foreclosure was completely foreign; it seemed like something that would never affect us.


The idea of the real estate market crashing sounded so far-flung to this relatively newly minted group of agents. It sounded like talk from the 1980s and the Great Recession. The words “short sale” weren’t even mentioned, and all of us in that room would’ve been clueless as to what that was, too.


My instructor aptly predicted that we would come across people we had sold homes to in foreclosure and that we would likely recognize the names of mortgage lenders, appraisers and “investors” going to jail, as cases of mortgage fraud were starting to mount.


So here we are. A new normal is creating itself once again. Hand sanitizers, disinfecting wipes, rubber gloves, masks, social distancing, hunkering down at home and an economy in turmoil.


If your clients are in the midst of trying to buy or sell a home, this is beyond an unsettling time — not only for them, but for all involved in the entire real estate process end-to-end. This means agents, lenders, title and escrow companies, attorney’s offices, inspectors, movers and everyone else in between.


So, in light of recent events, here are six things every buyer and seller should know when it comes to transacting real estate during this tough time.


1.The buying and selling landscape has changed.


Buyers might feel that sellers and agents should be rolling out the red carpet for them to look at homes. Please understand that this process might not be as instant as it was last week or even two days ago.


While just about every real estate company and builder is putting preventative procedures in place, please know that showings involve the risk of potential exposure to multiple other parties, as well as to the properties you’re seeing and those who live there.


Not every seller or occupant may be comfortable with strangers going into their home. Your exposure becomes their exposure. You might be asked to remove shoes and wear booties, leave unnecessary items outside the front door, use hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial wipes, and refrain from touching anything in a private residence during a showing.


Buyers might also be asked to keep the viewing time to a minimum — 15 minutes versus an hour spent sitting on the couch or standing around the kitchen island and envisioning their lives there.


While buyers might expect instant gratification with access to properties, patience is also a huge virtue for any seller trying to sell right now. We’re early on into the quarantine process; we’re in unchartered waters when it comes to knowing what the pace of showing activity will be.


That activity (or lack thereof) will be different for every seller, depending on price range, area and the level of risk where the property is located. Just because there haven’t been any showings in two weeks doesn’t mean there aren’t potential buyers for the home.


The good news? With everyone spending loads of time at home — most likely in front of a computer — anyone who’s in the market to buy a home will be searching online. Having a video posted with the listing will be key to generating a lot of interest on the property, as well as the ability to share that across various social channels. It’s possible to get an offer based on the video alone.


It just happened on a property I had listed, and it was from a legitimate, serious buyer. This is the second time in six months that I’ve had that happen. (The last time was on the verge of yet another hurricane headed toward Florida).


The power of video really stands out in times of stress, especially when physically seeing a property might not be possible. If the property is empty, hosting virtual open houses are also a great way to invite potential buyers without physical interaction.


If sellers are serious about selling, stay the course. With interest rates at an all-time low, there are buyers who will absolutely be taking advantage of favorable conditions to leverage their buying power. While it might seem like a desert as far as buyer traffic goes, once COVID-19 starts to wane, showing activity could bounce back with force.


2. The transaction will likely be socially distanced.


Agents will likely ask buyers to take their own car to meet at showings. If buyers are coming from out of town, encourage them to rent a car for their protection and the protection of their families (and your safety, too!)


If you thought being mashed together in an airplane was bad, multiple people in one vehicle is much too close for comfort in times like this.


The National Association of Realtor (NAR) guidelines have permitted agents to ask buyers and prospects about travel history and potential exposure to the Coronavirus. The guidelines also permit asking if clients or anyone they’ve been with is sick or has a fever.


Now is the time to be transparent. Explain to clients that they shouldn’t shrug it off or take offense if they’re being asked these questions by anyone involved in setting up a showing appointment — whether it’s their assistant, the listing agent or their brokerage. Under these circumstances, a seller has the right to understand the scenario of potential visits to their home.


Open house events have largely been prohibited and severely frowned upon due to shelter-in-place orders in several cities, counties and states. Where allowed, open houses are by-appointment-only and occur only after an agent has gone through a series of qualifying questions with the buyer prospect.


Agents are simply not in a position to let somebody, anybody or everybody in a home for the sake thereof right now. This doesn’t mean they don’t want to sell the home. It simply means they have to be responsible about how they handle it.


While no one likes the idea of lost income, the idea of losing a life is far worse than any economic impact. If agents meet clients at a home, they will be practicing social distancing. They might even have the home open for you to view while they stay outside. It might be best to engage in follow-up conversations via phone after the showing ends.


Buyers should understand that they will most likely not be able to meet with their agent at their real estate office and might need to agree upon a mutually agreeable location outdoors.


With so many local coffee shops and restaurants closed (except for take-out orders), finding a place where everyone can keep a safe distance might be challenging. Phone and video will be your best friend in times like this.


Sellers might be frustrated at a sudden drop in activity, and demand that their agent be “doing more” in the form of lavish spending on ads or other kinds of promotion — print, digital, mailings or other activities that you think will sell the house.


Please understand that open houses and broker caravan types of events are not being encouraged in this type of environment. Not to mention, due to restrictions imposed by state and local governments, some real estate companies are outright prohibiting them for the safety of all involved.  (BTW we are still prohibiting open houses)


The potential for liability exists, and it might not be long before we learn of COVID-19-related lawsuits that attempt to pin cause for exposure on a particular series of places or interactions that a victim had.


An open house is ripe for a situation like that, and the reality is that there are always ambulance-chasing type of attorneys looking for the next round of lawsuits they can attempt to make money from in a distressed economy.


If an agent is exposed in the course of showing a client’s home or hosting open houses, that will be of no benefit to that seller. Agents will not only jeopardize themselves, but also their families and their office, as well as the sellers, their family and their home.


Clients should be considerate of their agent. They need to understand that real estate could be their agent’s only source of income, and the only way they can support themselves and their family. They are in one of the most difficult professions from a compensation perspective even under the best of economic conditions.


Agents only get paid if a transaction closes. That’s it and nothing more. There’s no office subsidy for your agent’s gas, signage, marketing materials, broker open events and everything else.


The Coronavirus pandemic is likely going to prolong the real estate cycle, and many agents could go without closings for months. Discuss with your clients if anything extra marketing-wise makes sense during this time. Consider asking clients to assist with paying for the costs of certain things.


While you can shout a property from the mountaintops 50 ways from Sunday, yelling louder doesn’t necessarily incentivize people to act when uncertainty is the underlying theme. With movement restricted throughout the country, until people are able to roam as they please, it might not make sense to launch any new initiatives.


3. Now is not the time to try to take advantage


Buyers might be tempted to throw out multiple low-ball offers at sellers to see what will stick. Buyers might feel as if they are entitled to a deal during these unusual circumstances. Stop.


While they certainly can negotiate, trying to rub salt in the wound of what’s already a trying time will not be appreciated or celebrated. Don’t approach an offer with the intention of playing to a seller’s vulnerabilities or an overblown sense of despair in the market.


Everyone is in unchartered territory, and this is an uncertain time on many levels. No one is exempt. Consider making a fair offer. You might be surprised to find that you will get further with a seller that way, versus starting ridiculously low and asking for pie-in-the-sky concessions.


It could be that the seller responds in a pleasantly negotiable and flexible fashion, perhaps a bit more than they normally would. Buyers could get a reasonable discount from the asking price by taking a more level-headed and respectful approach instead of trying to squeeze blood out of a turnip.


I also believe the karma you put out there is the karma that could come back to you. Buyers will be sellers someday, and you never know what kind of economic situation they could find themselves in.


They also don’t know how this economy could affect their life long after the closing. They might have money in the bank and a secure job now, but if this pandemic has shown us anything, it’s that every day is a gift. What we have today might not be what we have tomorrow, next month or next year.


4. Delays will inevitably happen


Right now, life isn’t going according to anyone’s plan. Major life events such as graduations, anniversary parties, showers and weddings are being postponed or cancelled. Sadly, even celebrations of life due to a loved one’s passing can’t be held.


The same is likely for a real estate transaction. Whether a buyer or a seller, help them understand that there may be delays with all facets of the transaction process as human interaction is compromised over the next few weeks or months. They’ll have to plan accordingly.


Inspections, appraisals, loan processing and underwriting, as well as issuing the clear to close and getting the package from the lender to the title company, will be challenging during this time.


Inspectors whose work can be potentially hazardous in the best of times have to take special precautions now like never before. Their job entails physically touching and testing numerous components in a home, many of which could be germ-infested. Appraisers also face a similar risk by having to physically enter numerous properties to do their job.


A closing date is just that — a date. And while everyone can do their best to make that date, in this situation, we’re dealing with circumstances beyond anyone’s control.


Buyers should allow themselves plenty of float time if they’re terminating a lease. It might be better to plan for an extra month or two to vacate their rental versus cutting themselves short. There could also be challenges encountered with hiring moving crews during this time.


Also, buyers should be considerate of a seller’s request to lease back for a certain amount of days after closing. Before sellers try to move mountains to get their house packed up and vacate, they will want the comfort of being able to close on the home and have their proceeds securely in their bank account.


Buyers and sellers need to be flexible and understanding with each other regarding obstacles out of their control during this time. To that end, addendums that address delays in transactions due to the coronavirus have been released for use by various state real estate associations to help manage delays that might arise, as well as the need to cancel the transaction and etc.


5. Adjust your expectations


We’re living in unpredictable times. No one has all the answers — and that includes real estate agents. While people are doing their best to obtain information and updates from their company’s real estate leadership, local, state and national Realtor associations, along with national, state and local officials, this situation is rapidly changing. What happens today might be drastically different tomorrow.


Just looking back at the past week and a half or so has changed the entire trajectory of our lives. When two NBA players tested positive for COVID-19, that lead to all major sports being cancelled and the discovery of a host of NBA players that have since tested positive for the virus.


6. Accept that you might not have all the answers


This one is tough. It can be easy to panic at the thought of the unknown. Will things get better after mid-April when many of those “temporary” closures and lockdowns are supposed to end? Those are arbitrary dates and deadlines, and we don’t know if they will be extended.


Real estate is a business based on results and outcomes. Explain to buyers and sellers that agents use data to predict the future. We educate sellers that their home sale should take approximately x amount of days (or months) based on sales of other homes in the neighborhood. We also inform them that their property should sell around x percent of their asking price, based on what has happened over the last 60, 90, 120 days, etc.


Achieving those same results might not be possible now or in the next few months, and everything is up for grabs. Whether you’re buying or selling, it’s important to stay flexible and focus on the process instead of the outcome.


Although outcomes are uncertain at this time, there are processes we can control. This means staying the course and not reacting in a knee-jerk manner to every headline or “breaking news” update. It’s all breaking news, no matter the channel, designed to get mesmerizing attention 24/7.


While things might appear to be doom and gloom right now, it could be a dramatically different and positive picture a few weeks from now. Sellers don’t have to suddenly pull their homes off the market. Buyers don’t have to abandon their property search right now.


If clients are in a position to do so, they can put the current mortgage market to work for them. Never before have buyers been able to leverage their purchasing power, and for sellers, this same purchasing power may enable a buyer who is able to get into their first home, a move up property or their ultimate luxury dream home.


No matter what, it’s important to remember that everyone has to live somewhere. Our homes have never been more important to us than right now. They are a place of solace, respite, work and the ultimate shelter from the storm — no matter what kind of storm that is.


At the end of the day, our home is the one sacred place where we can work through our deepest fears and challenges, rejoice in the happiest of times and simply relax and be who we are without fear of judgement or criticism.


Cara Ameer is a broker associate and global luxury agent with Coldwell Banker Vanguard Realty in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. You can follow her on Facebook or Twitter.