Buyer Tip: Get Wild!!! What Does Your Dream Home Look Like?

I LOVE this exercise!!! 

Putting money aside, what would your ideal dream house look like? 

Literally, I want you to write down all of the features that your future home would have. 

What are your “ Top 3 non-negotiables” Let’s start with that. Here were mine 8 years ago:

  • Laundry / space for a washer and dryer 

  • Yard for the kids and the puppies 

  • Dishwasher !!! 

Once I wrote those things down, the rest was where I was really able to start dreaming. 

Here are some questions that might help get you started:

  1. What style would the home be? Colonial, ranch, cape, or maybe modern? 

  2. What would the overall “ Feel” be? Would it be eclectic? Modern? Warm and filled with color? 

  3. Would it be in a super private setting or do you want to be able to walk next door for a cup of sugar? 

  4. Is natural light important to you?

  5. What kind of “ Flow” do you want ? An open floor plan vs separate rooms? 

It is also a fun thing to do with couples to see how their descriptions turn out and if any of their top priorities are in line. Be sure though to not share your notes until you are completely DONE!!! No worries if you find your notes are totally different ! It’s a great opportunity to talk to each other about which items you just don’t want to go without. 

Outside of making these various bullet lists, also write free form and just describe everything and anything about your home. Perhaps walk someone through the house and describe everything that you see and feel. 

Once you have completed this exercise, keep it somewhere safe!!!! If you have started a home journal, put it right into that booklet or perhaps start a binder for notes. 

If you have this all written down and are working with a buyer’s agent, share your notes with them! It will be hugely helpful to them to get a real feel for what your dream property would look and feel like. 

If for some reason your first home doesn’t check all the boxes, don’t toss your dream home notes ! Maybe your next house will be one step closer ! 

Happy house hunting ! 

“Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life.”

– Les Brown
