I love this idea !!!! I have to give credit to the concept of this to Hal Elrod the author of the Miracle Morning. ( One of my top 3 favorite and life changing books)
In one of his podcasts, he mentioned the concept of doing 30 day challenges. The idea of choosing one goal to focus on that month. That way, even if you have multiple goals, you get laser focused on one in particular for that month .
See link below for the episode:
With that idea in mind, I thought why can’t we apply this to real estate???
So, if you took your planner ( which I know you have right???) Or, you can print out the year with 12 open boxes for each month. Google calendar is a great resource for printing out days, weeks, or months .
Before filling out your calendar, find a comfortable and quiet place to sit for a while. Take a blank piece of paper and just start writing out a list of any and all improvements that you want to make on your home and property. Even if some are long term plans, add them to the list. With a long term big project , there will likely be small steps to get to the final product. For example, if you want to paint your home, you can start with small steps such as choosing a paint color, finding a contractor that has a great reputation, and collecting quotes.
Now that you have your list, you can organize them by season !
Let’s say that you want to clear the clutter in your basement. I know this is super rare for homeowners to have piles of stuff in their basement, but I am just putting this out there. lol
This would be a wonderful winter project ! You can even wander down and just dedicate 10 minutes to it and you will be surprised at how much you might get done ! Ten minutes here and there can really add up !
Once you have enough projects to fill in 12 months, go back to your sheet for the year and fill it in!
Now, the million dollar question is where to put the sheet? Under the bed? In your junk drawer? In the fridge? NONE of those are good options ! Out of sight, out of mind .
Perhaps on your fridge with a magnet? If you don’t dare to clutter your fridge, how about on a desk where you do office work? Or in your paper planner on the most current page?
As always, I would love to hear if any of you give this a try! You can email, text, or email me with your ideas !
“Jack said nothing. It was time to start putting his plan into action. Then he remembered: He didn't have one.”
― Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear