Let me preface this post by saying that I have to thank one of my favorite podcasts, The Happiness Project”, for giving me the idea for creating this annual list.
Last year, they came up with a great idea of making a “ 20 for 2020” list of goals. This list could be a super simple list of things ranging from goals like “ Trying golf” to “ Completing all levels of Spanish”
What many of us found was that when COVID hit, many of our plans were suddenly changed if not deleted all together.
We all have learned that you just never know what’s coming. None of us could have prepared for what COVID brought and how it changed in our lives. There were some things that were positive changes such as slowing down and seeing our immediate family members more. While at the same time, it brought many disappointments, new fears, and sadness as many found they were isolated from the ones that they love.
With all of that said, when it comes to making my “ 21 for 2021” list, I am officially creating TWO lists !
One will be a “ 21 for 2021” list that can be done even if we are stuck in COVID circumstances. Looking back on 2020, I think that many of us can say that we had some extra time for a bit to get things done that we NEVER would have time to do otherwise. I know that my husband planted a HUGE vegetable garden all over our yard. Sadly, most of the veggies were abandoned when we both went back to work but it was fun while it lasted. lol I also heard from numerous folks that Home Depot was packed for MONTHS as everyone was at home doing projects in the yard and making repairs that they had time to attend to.
With this first list I can feel “ Wins” regardless of where our world is.
The second list that brings me happiness just to look at is for when we’re out of all of this and back to how things were. Of course on that list there are things like travel, going to the gym, etc. I know that initially, I was hesitant to book any trips considering that every single trip last year was canceled. However, when I thought about it I realized that if made sure to book trips that had a 100% cancellation refund which many do, I could go ahead with it. They say that often the planning and thinking about trips brings almost as much if not more happiness than the actual trip! Just having something to daydream about and think about for 2021 makes such a difference.
I would love for any of you to share your lists if you decide to create any.
Here is the podcast from the Happiness Project that references making a 21 for 2021 concept.
I hope that all of you have a wonderful start to 2021!
“Once you choose hope, anything's possible.”
~Christopher Reeve