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Seller Tip: Can I Change My Mind ????

Congratulations !!! You have an offer on your home and you have officially accepted it!!!! Signed, sealed, and delivered ( whether in hand or electronically lol)

Now you are ready to go to sleep and have sweet dreams of your future closing and moving day right?

Well, rather than that you find that you wake up and realize that you just can’t bear the thought of leaving your home. Especially considering how amazing it now looks after all of the sweat and work you just put into it getting it ready to sell! It has NEVER looked this gorgeous! ( very common that I hear this and that topic is for another post)

So your first call in the a.m. is to your listing agent to say ….. “ I have changed my mind! I can’t sell this house I don’t know what I was thinking! Tell the buyers NO DEAL!”

Well there is bad news and more bad news in this story.

As the seller you cannot change your mind once you have signed that contract. You would need to check with your attorney regarding the penalties in your region for backing out but I can tell you for sure it’s not pretty or easy. The only one that can pull out of the contract is the buyer.

These purchase and sale contracts ( in the Berkshires) are geared towards protecting the buyer and I would say this to any home owner. They have several what we call, “ Contingency Timelines” that allow them the option of terminating the contract and getting their deposits back should one of those protective clauses fall through.( I.E. mortgage contingency, inspection contingency, and insurance contingencies )

So, when you put your home on the market, be sure that you are truly ready to sell. Really be sure that you are mentally ready to part with what may have been the place that many family memories were made.

A very good friend of mine gave me these thoughts when I found myself crying many nights after selling my first home ( thank you Debbie) :

“ Tanya , everything that you are telling me about that is breaking your heart about leaving your home are memories that you have had with your family and loved ones. Those memories can happen anywhere. So, it wasn’t really the house, but the people inside that mattered”

I will never forget those words.

Hoping that this post might prevent some cold future feet of sellers. So when the time comes to sell , you are ready to rock and roll out with no turning back ( maybe a sight look back but no long drawn out stares lol)

“A house is made with walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams. “

Ralph Waldo Emerson